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The edges of each of the parts may be turned either inwards or outwards; in the former case the aestivation is induplicate fig. When the parts of a single whorl are placed in a circle, each of them exhibiting a torsion of its axis, so that by one of its sides it overlaps its neighbour, whilst its side is overlapped in like manner by that standing next to it, the aestivation is twisted or contorted fig.

This arrangement is characteristic of the flower-buds of Malvaceae and Apocynaceae, and it is also seen flower delivery on sunday barnet Convolvulaceae and the flower expands, the traces of twisting often disappear, but sometimes, as in Apocynaceae, they forms of aestivation are such as occur in cyclic flowers, and they are included under circular in spiral flowers we have a different arrangement; thus the leaves of the calyx of Camellia japonica cover each other partially like tiles on a aestivation is other times, as in the petals of Camellia, the parts envelop each other completely, so as to become convolute.

This is also seen in a transverse section of the calyx of Magnolia grandiflora, where each of the three leaves embraces that within it. When the parts of a whorl are five, as occurs in many dicotyledons, and the imbrication is such that there are two parts external, two internal, and a fifth which partially covers one of the internal parts by its margin, and is in its turn partially covered by one of the external parts, the aestivation is quincuncial fig.

47 a section is given of the bud of Antirrhinum majus, showing the imbricate spiral this case it will be seen that the part marked 5 has, by a slight change in position, become overlapped by 1. This variety of imbricate aestivation has been termed flowers such as those of the pea fig. 40, one of the parts, the vexillum, is often large and folded over the others, FIG. article carina may perform a similar office, and then the aestivation is carinal, as in the Judas-tree Cercis Siliquastrum.

The parts of the several verticils often differ in their mode of aestivation. Thus, in Malvaceae the corolla is contorted and the calyx valuate, or reduplicate; in St Johns-wort the calyx is imbricate, and the corolla Convolvulaceae, while the corolla is twisted, and has its parts arranged in a circle, the calyx is imbricate, and exhibits a spiral Guazuma the calyx is valvate, and the corolla circular aestivation is generally associated with a regular calyx and corolla, while the spiral aestivations are connected with irregular as well as with regular forms.

The sepals are sometimes free or separate from each other, at other times they are united to a greater or less extent; in the former case, the calyx is polysepalous, in the latter gamosepalous or divisions of the Calyx. calyx present usually the characters of leaves, and in some cases of monstrosity they are converted into leaf-like organs, as not infrequently happens in are usually entire, but occasionally they are cut in various ways, as in the rose; they are rarely are generally of a more or less oval, elliptical or oblong form, with their apices either blunt or their direction they are erect or flower delivery on sunday barnet with their apices downwards, spreading outwards divergent or patulous, or arched inwards connivent.

They are usually of a greenish colour herbaceous; but sometimes they are coloured or petaloid, as in the fuchsia, tropaeolum, globe-flower and be its flower delivery on sunday barnet, the external envelope of the flower is considered as the vascular bundles sometimes form a prominent rib, which indicates the middle of the sepal; at other times they form several venation is useful as pointing out the number of leaves which constitute a gamosepalous a polysepalous calyx the number of the parts is indicated by Greek numerals prefixed; thus, a calyx which has three sepals is trisepalous; one with five sepals is sepals occasionally are of different forms and Aconite one of them is flower delivery on sunday barnet like a helmet galeate.

In a gamosepalous calyx the sepals are united in various ways, sometimes very slightly, and their number is marked by the divisions at the divisions either are simple projections in the form of acute or obtuse teeth fig.

49; or they extend down the calyx as fissures about halfway, FIG. article - Fruit of Physalis Alkekengi, consisting of the persistent calyx s, surrounding the berry fr, derived from the ovary. the calyx being trifid three-cleft, quinquefid five-cleft, c.according to their number; or they reach to near the base in the form of partitions, the calyx being tripartite, quadripartite, quinquepartite, c. The union of the parts may be complete, and the calyx may be quite entire or truncate, as in some Correas, the venation being the chief indication of the different cohesion is sometimes irregular, some parts uniting to a greater extent than others; thus a two-lipped or labiate calyx is upper lip is often composed of three parts, which are thus posterior or next the axis, while the lower has two, which are part formed by the union of the sepals is called the tube of the calyx; the portion where the sepals are free is the limb.

Occasionally, certain parts of the sepals undergo marked the violet the calycine segments are prolonged downwards beyond their insertions, and in the Indian cress Tropaeolum this prolongation is in the form of a spur calcar, formed by three sepals; in Delphinium it is formed by Pelargonium the spur from one of the sepals is adherent to the Potentilla and allied genera an epicalyx is formed by the development of stipules from the sepals, which form an apparent outer calyx, the flower delivery on sunday barnet of which alternate with the true Malvaceae an flower delivery on sunday barnet is formed by the bracteoles.

Degenerations take place in the calyx, so that it becomes dry, scaly and glumaceous like the glumes of grasses, as in the rushes Juncaceae; hairy, as in Compositae; or a mere rim, as in some Umbelliferae and Acanthaceae, and in Madder Rubia tinctorum, fig. 50, when it is called obsolete or Compositae, Dipsacaceae and Valerianaceae the calyx is attached to the pistil, and its limb is developed in the flower delivery on sunday barnet of hairs called pappus fig.

This pappus is either simple pilose or feathery plumose. In Valeriana the superior calyx is at first an obsolete rim, but as the fruit ripens it is shown to consist of hairs rolled inwards, which expand so as to waft the calyx sometimes falls off before the flower expands, as in poppies, and is caducous fig.

52; or along with the corolla, as in Ranunculus, and is deciduous; or it remains after flowering persistent as in Labiatae, Scrophulariaceae, and Boraginaceae; or its base only is persistent, as in Datura Eschscholtzia and Eucalyptus the sepals remain united at the upper part, and become disarticulated at the base or middle, so as to come off in the form of a lid flower delivery on sunday barnet a calyx is operculate or existence or non-existence of an articulation determines the deciduous or persistent nature of the calyx.

article The receptacle bearing the calyx is sometimes united to the pistil, and enlarges so as to form a part of the fruit, as in the apple, pear, c. In these fruits the withered calyx is seen at the a persistent calyx increases much after flowering, and encloses the fruit without being incorporated with it, flower delivery on sunday barnet accrescent, as in various species of Physalis fig. 53; at other times it remains in a withered or marcescent form, as in Erica; sometimes it becomes inflated or vesicular, as in sea campion Silene maritima.

The corolla is the more or less coloured attractive inner floral envelope; generally the most conspicuous is present in the greater number of differ more from ordinary leaves than sepals do, and are much more nearly allied to the staminal some cases, however, they are transformed into leaves, like flower delivery on sunday barnet calyx, and occasionally leaf-buds are developed in their are seldom green, although occasionally that colour is met with, as in some species of Cobaea, Hoya viridiflora, Gonolobus viridiflorus and Pentatropis a rule they are highly coloured, the colouring matter being contained in the cell-sap, as in blue or red flowers, or in plastids chromoplasts, as generally in yellow flowers, or in both forms, as in many orange-coloured or flower delivery on sunday barnet attractiveness of the petal is often due wholly or in part to surface markings; thus the cuticle of the petal of a pelargonium, when viewed with a z or 4-in.

object-glass, shows beautiful hexagons, the boundaries of which are ornamented with several inflected loops in the sides of the cells.

article Petals are generally glabrous or smooth; but, in some instances, hairs are produced on their hairs, though sparse and scattered, present occasionally the same arrangement as those which flower delivery on sunday barnet on the leaves; thus, in Bombaceae they are hairs are seen on the petals of Menyanthes, and on the segments of the perianth of serve various purposes in flower delivery on sunday barnet economy of the flower, often closing the way to the honey-secreting part of the flower to small insects, whose visits would be useless for purposes of petals are usually very thin and delicate in their texture, they occasionally become thick and fleshy, as in Stapelia and Rafflesia; or dry, as in heaths; or hard and stiff, as in Xylopia.

A petal flower delivery on sunday barnet consists of two portions Harrods flower delivery the lower narrow, resembling the petiole of a leaf, and called the unguis or claw; the upper broader, like the blade of a leaf, and called the lamina or parts are seen in the petals of the wallflower fig.

The claw is often wanting, as in the crowfoot fig. 55 and the poppy, and the petals are then sessile. According to the development of veins and the growth of cellular tissue, petals present varieties similar to those of the margin is either entire or divided into lobes or teeth sometimes form a regular fringe round the margin, and the petal becomes fimbriated, as in the pink; or laciniated, as in Lychnis Flos-cuculi; or crested, as in the petal becomes pinnatifid, as in median vein is occasionally prolonged beyond the summit of the petals in the form of a long process, as in Strophanthus hispidus, where it extends for 7 in.

; or the prolonged extremity is folded downwards or inflexed, as in Umbelliferae, so that the apex approaches the limb of the petal may be flat or concave, or hollowed like a Hellebore the petals become folded FIG. article - Petal of Crowfoot Ranunculus, without a claw, and thus resembling a sessile the base of the petal a nectariferous scale is seen. 58 some of the petals resemble a hollow-curved horn, supported on a grooved stalk; while in columbine, violet fig.

57, snapdragon and Centranthus, one or all of them are prolonged in the form of a spur, and are Flower delivery on sunday barnet, Antirrhinum and Corydalis, the spur is very short, and the corolla or petal is said to be gibbous, or saccate, at the spurs, tubes and sacs serve flower delivery on sunday barnet receptacles for the secretion or containing of nectar.

Amongst regular polypetalous corollas may be noticed the rosaceous corolla fig. S9, in which there are five spreading petals, having no claws, and arranged as in the rose, strawberry and Potentilla; the caryophyllaceous corolla, in which there are five petals with long, narrow, tapering claws, as in many of the pink tribe; the cruciform, having four petals, often unguiculate, placed opposite in the form of a cross, as seen in wallflower, and in other plants called irregular polypetalous corollas the most marked is the papilionaceous fig.

40, in which there are five petals - one superior posterior, st, placed next to the axis, usually larger than the rest, called the vexillum or standard; two lateral, a, the alae or wings; two inferior anterior, partially or completely covered by the alae, and often united slightly by their lower margins, so as to form a single keel-like piece, car, called carin gor keel, which embraces the essential form of corolla is characteristic of British leguminous plants.

article Regular gamopetalous corollas are sometimes campanulate or bell-shaped, as in Campanula fig. 60; infundibuliform or funnel-shaped, when the tube flower delivery on sunday barnet like an inverted cone, and the limb becomes more expanded at the apex, as in tobacco; hypocrateriform or salver-shaped, when there is a straight tube surmounted by a flat spreading limb, as in primula fig.

61; tubular, having a long cylindrical tube, appearing continuous with the limb, as in Spigelia and comfrey; rotate or wheel-shaped, when the tube is very short, and the limb flat and spreading, as in forget-me-not, Myosotis when the divisions of the rotate corolla are very acute, as in Galium, it is sometimes called stellate or star-like; urceolate or urn-shaped, when there is scarcely any limb, and the tube is narrow flower delivery on sunday barnet both ends, and expanded in the middle, as in bell-heath Erica cinerea.

Some of these forms may become irregular flower delivery on sunday barnet consequence of certain parts being more developed than others.

Thus, in Veronica, the rotate corolla has one division much smaller than the rest, and in foxglove Digitalis there is a slightly irregular companulate irregular gamopetalous corollas there may be mentioned the labiate or lipped fig. 62, having two divisions of the limb in the form of lips the upper one, u, composed usually of two united petals, and the lower, 1, of three, separated by a gap. article In such cases the tube varies in length, and the parts in their union follow the reverse order of what occurs in the calyx, where two sepals are united in the lower lip and three in the the upper lip flower delivery on sunday barnet a labiate corolla is much arched, and the lips separated by a distinct gap, it is called ringent fig.

The labiate corolla characterizes the natural order the lower lip is pressed against the upper, so as to leave only a chink between them, the corolla is said to be personate, as in snapdragon, and some other some corollas the two lips become hollowed out in a remarkable manner, as in calceolaria, assuming a slipper-like appearance, similar to what occurs in the labellum of flower delivery on sunday barnet orchids, as a tubular corolla is split in flower delivery on sunday barnet a way as to form a strap-like process flower delivery erie pa one side with several tooth-like projections at its apex, it becomes ligulate or strap-shaped fig.

This corolla occurs in many composite plants, as in the florets of dandelion, daisy and number of divisions at the apex indicates the number of united petals, some of which, however, may be FIG. article Occasionally some of the petals become more united than others, and then the corolla assumes a bilabiate flower delivery on sunday barnet two-lipped form, as seen in the division of Compositae called Labiatiflorae.

Petals are sometimes suppressed, and sometimes the whole corolla is Amorpha and Afzelia the corolla is flower delivery on sunday barnet to a single petal, and in some other Leguminous plants it is entirely the natural order Ranunculaceae, some genera, such as Ranunculus, globe-flower and paeony, have both calyx flower delivery on sunday barnet corolla, while others, such as clematis, anemone and Caltha, have only a coloured become double by the multiplication of the parts of the corolline whorl; this arises in general from a metamorphosis of the stamens.

Certain structures occur on the petals of some flowers, which tampa bay flower delivery in former days the name of term nectary was very vaguely applied by Linnaeus to any part of the flower which presented an unusual aspect, as the crown corona of narcissus, the fringes of the Flower delivery on sunday barnet, c.


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The staminal row is more liable to multiplication of parts than the outer whorls. A flower with a single row of stamens is the stamens are double the sepals or petals as regards number, the flower is diplostemonous; if more than flower delivery on sunday barnet, additional rows of FIG. - Flower of cowslip Primula veris cut vertically. s, Sepals joined to form a gamosepalous calyx; c, corolla consisting of tube and spreading limb; a, stamens springing from the mouth of the tube; p, pistil. article - Irregular gamopetalous labiate corolla of the Dead-nettle Lamium album.

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